Search GSTIN Details from GST Database in India

Search GSTIN details of all registered taxpayers in India directly from the GSTIN database.

What is GSTIN?

GSTIN (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number) is a 15 digit unique identification number given by the Government of India.

Why validation is important?

There are many reasons why you should verify a GSTIN.

When you file Input Tax Credit you should verify if the GSTIN of another party is not fake or invalid.

Furthermore when you file GSTR1, if you provide an incorrect GSTIN your GSTR1 filing will be rejected.

Search GSTIN (GST Number) from GST database here

Format of GST Number:

We can divide the GST number into 5 parts:

GSTIN Format India | Zubizi Web Solutions
  • State Code:

    1st 2 character

    State code of the GSTIN business/person

    Before searching the GSTIN (GST Number) you can determine the state of GSTIN just by looking at it.

  • PAN Number:

    Next 10 characters

    PAN (Permanent Account Number) of the business/person

  • Number of Registrations Under a Single PAN:

    13th character

    If a business or person has multiple GST numbers under a single PAN, this number/letter indicates how many GSTIN does this person or business has under one PAN number.

  • Nature of Business:

    14th character

    It represents the nature of the business. It is "Z" (Capital Z) by default

  • Check Code:

    15th character

    Checksum or check code is for verifying that there are no errors in the GSTIN. This character is used during creation and/or validating the GSTIN.

How does GSTIN search work?

When you enter GSTIN in the search box, we fetch GSTIN details directly from GST portal using API provided by the GST network and display it to you

Another way you can search directly from the GST portal. Just go through this link enter GSTIN and provide the captcha then click on the search button.

Try Our GST Software for Free

Manage your account more efficiently with our GST Software. It has an in-built GSTIN search option that will validate your GSTIN automatically.